Send a Virtual Holiday Letter to our Neighbors at the D.C. Jail!

Send a Virtual Holiday Letter to our Neighbors at the D.C. Jail!

We invite you, once again, to join us in sending virtual letters to our neighbors in the DC Jail.

Four years ago, peak-COVID, we started sending virtual holiday letters to our neighbors at the jail. Many people were sending letters then; it was cold, gloomy, and many people were spending the holidays alone for the first time. Sending and receiving letters was a comfort.

And while life has (mostly) gone back to normal post-COVID, the holidays remain a gloomy time at D.C. Jail.

With your help last year, we sent over 150 letters from families, children, schools, and neighbors. We heard that residents found this outreach to be incredibly meaningful. They especially loved children’s drawings, photos, and short videos of scenes from around DC.

The need for encouragement and connection is the same this year as years past. Please sign up below to be a part of this neighbor-to-neighbor outreach. Thank you!

How to participate:

Click here to upload a letter!

Make sure to look at the guidance beforehand to get an idea of how to approach this.

Click here for samples of last year’s letters.