Volunteer Teams to Support Neighbors at the DC Jail
In an effort to be better neighbors to those at the DC jail, we launched two of our volunteer teams, called neighbor blocks, in Summer 2021:
Community Vegetable Garden: This team of Neighbors for Justice members has been working since June 2021 to support the development of a vegetable garden inside the jail and submit a proposal for a community vegetable garden outside of the jail. The goal of this effort is to provide fresh produce for residents of the jail, raise awareness about food quality at the jail, and put gardeners inside the jail and gardeners outside of the jail into contact to learn from each other and discuss progress.
Friends of the DC Jail Library: This team of members is working to launch a friends of the library group to support the branch of the DC Public Library at the jail.
If you would like to help out with these and other efforts, please let us know.